Monday, June 18, 2007

I had a pretty empowering weekend, having spent the whole of Saturday at a seed workshop with the impressive Lynne Franks of Of course Lynne has been a great inspiration to me ever since she worked on the magazine Petticoat and I wanted to be a journalist. I sort of fell into PR just at the time that her agency Lynne Franks was in its heyday and she was a fantastic role model to look up to. So, meeting her and working with her on saturday was fantastic and a dream come true. I'm about to write an article on it for so watch this space and I'll let you know when that's up.

Whilst I'm not a workshop junkie, it was great to spend a day not only out of the office but out ofd everyday life. It helped me make a lot of decisions about where I go next. After all, I have been running for five years now - and anybody in a normal job would have moved on by now. So, once again, watch this space!!

Paula Gardner

Monday, June 11, 2007

Personal Branding

We had our latest teleclass today with Dawn Winder of It was an interesting look at how personal branding can really help with and boost PR. Dawn took us through a process that identified our unique skills and passions and then encouraged us to find a way to communicate them to our audience. As a result of the class I've decided to change my website home page to communicate more of me and my story. I'll make the changes and leave it for a few months to compare any changes in traffic and, most importantly, sales.

I'm looking forward to seeing what happens.

Paula Gardner

Thursday, June 07, 2007

It was a triple firing on the Apprentice last night and what a fantastic episode that was. Sir Alan played Katie at her own game and made her bow out of the show to reveal her for the game player that she really was. And now we only have Simon and Christina left. Both of them are great candidates - Christinia is competent, confident and well rounded, whilst Simon is keen, fun and still at that satge where he can be moulded.

Who would I chose? Dificult one, but probabaly Christina. Yes, Christina from The Apprentice would make a great PR. She can take the knocks and doesn't let them get to her, she's easy going, gets on with everyone and talks sense. She's also fabulous at sales and you need to have a bit of that killer instinct in you to make a great PR, or just do a good job on your own products.

Paula Gardner

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

I've been out of the business networking loop for a while. If you're anything like me you'll notice that it goes in cycles and sometimes you're ready and up for it, and other times it's the last thing you feel like doing. I've been taking some time out to write, get in the habit of going to the gym and to the pool and I'm happy to admit that I can't do everything at once. Something had to take a back step for a while and that was networking.

Now, I feel ready to get back into it and notice that everything is getting very expensive. Many neworking organisations are charging a couple of hundred pounds plus to even let you in as a member. And again, on the the premise that I can't do everything, I'm having to ponder what is worth my time and money - should I become an Ecademy black star PR should I focus on local women's groups? Currently I belong to which is great - very laid back and funky - a perfect place, and I'm looking to add another to my list. I've noticed that you get what you pay for and the events that are free are often full of start-ups who are keen to sell sell sell and haven't really learnt the networking ropes yet.

Yesterday I had lunch at the new Loughton sector of It was lovely - very relaxed and yet still formal enough to be productive. At the moment this is pretty high on my list, but I am also feeling a little overwhelmed by all this networking with women ! I'll keep you informed!

Paula Gardner

Want to learn more about strategic networking ?

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

My colleague Hulya Erdal has been invited onto The F Word this afternoon, to compete with other female chefs from around the country for the chance of cooking with the Great Gordon himself. If only she needed a helper .....