Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Pitch

This week I had the pleasure to sit in the audience of the UK part of The Pitch 2001, held at Nesta HQ in London. We had an interesting keynote speech from MP Mark Prisk who talked about a new government scheme for mentoring, which is about to be unveiled, followed by an interview with Mark Pearson from I am sure it makes me sound so old to say it, but I can't get over how young he looked. The millionaires are looking younger and younger.

Anyway, to more serious things. Mark talked about how the Secret Millionaire episode that he recorded was a poignant he has piqued my interest I will just have to watch it.

So, the shortlisted entrepreneurs we watched were:

Cara Sayer of
Bruce Balmer of
Jon Rathbone of
Christer Holloman of and Chrispin Busk of who came in at the last minute as another participant dropped out.

All the pitches were well thought out and professional. Cara in particular was very impressive with what she had achieved so far, without any previous business experience. My own personal favourite was the Kabuton noodles, as I loved the posh Pot Noodle concept, and always have a soft spot for any food and drinks business.

The judges deliberated as we networked over cakes and coffee, and I have to say it was a very smooth professional event in every sense, at a great venue.

Finally, after a very enlightening interview with Kate Bull, co-founder of The People's Supermarket, the winner was announced at Cara Sayer.

Cara and I had a chat afterwards - after all I am donating some PR coaching to the overall winner so I was keen to meet her in person. With a PR and marketing background herself, Cara bowled me over with her ideas and enthusiasm. Well done to Cara on the English Heat!


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