Friday, October 29, 2004

Me and the B.O.M.B.s !

Hi again,
Marketing master Debbie Jenkins has asked me to contribute to a B.O.M.B!

This BOMB is called the "Business Owner's Money-Making Bonanza" and it's yours for the taking as my gift to you. All you need to do is visit the website below andcomplete a short form to gain instant access. It should take no more than 2 minutes to do and you'll benefit from over 350 pages of tips and ideas for creating more success, wealth and happiness in your business and personal life.Here's the link...
Warm Wishes
PS Even if you're just thinking of starting your own businessyou'll find the information you're looking for. In fact one book in particular was written just for you...

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Saturday, October 16, 2004

I've just had an article on networking cliches published on, the link is

It was my effort to inject some humour and reality into a subject which, quite frankly, people are keen to elevate into some kind of science. I run an ecourse on networking and regularly talk to many people who know they should be networking (can anybody not know what they "should" be doing), but I wanted to inject some sort of realism into something which, for many, can be quite a difficult task.

Do take a look and tell me what you think - or let me know about any other cliches I may have missed. I'd love to hear from you.

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Thursday, October 14, 2004

Okay, I'm back to blogging. This is one marketing exercise that I often suggest to clients, especially those who need to build up trust and credibility with their prospective customers and clients, so I should be taking my own advice.

It's also meant to be a good way to clarify your thinking, publicy state your intentions and unleash your creativity. The only problem is with keeping it up!

I've spent the last half an hour changing the homepage of - we're about to make a mega shift to include PR training for corporate business, rather than solely SME's, and the website needs to be angled accordingly.

The new website, by the way, was put together for me by Chris Storey and Hazel Semple of - great designers who manage to avoid the "dashboard" factor.

Tomorrow I'm off to meet the guys of who have an exciting launch coming up . Watch this space! Paula

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