Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Client Success Stories From Do Your Own PR

Amanda Alexander of www.coachingmums.com will be in the July edition of Your Family magazine. Coaching client Colin Jervis of www.kineticconsulting.co.uk has been mentioned in the Business section of the Telegraph.

And this week we had this lovely email from Audrey Boss of www.beyondchocolate.co.uk

"Since doing your PR course we have been in the press nearly every month in some form or other. We have been quoted in features for Cosmo, Natural Health & Beauty, Top Sante and Harpers & Queen thanks to our Tip Sheets which we send out every month to all the journos on our contact list (as you suggested!) and have a whole feature on Beyond Chocolate coming out in The Express next week!"

Isn't feedback grand!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

It was my turn to host a workshop yesterday - this time it was Your PR Campaign Made Simple at Canary Wharf - lots of fun as usual meeting varied people from varied backgrounds. Also at the workshop were PR people from two top London restaurants which was very interesting and one of them brought along vouchers for free meals for everyone. Freebies always go down very well!

What I enjoy most about workshops is when everyone suddenly starts feel confident and relaxed to join and it's no longer just me up there spouting off my knowledge about PR, but everyone is contributing their own stories of what works and what doesn't. It's magic when that happens and that's what people get a lot out of.

Went to a networking event at The Hub (www.hubworking.net) was is quite a nice venue for meetings and workshops just 5 mins from Liverpool Street. Topped the meeting off with a drink at the pub and the Argentina game in the pub a few doors down. What a nice wind-down after delivering a workshop!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Continuing the Top 10 of PR Tools

Next on the list is articles. Articles are a great way to build up your credbility - especially if you're a service based business - and here are five things you need to know about using articles as part of your PR campaign..

1. Don't even think about writing the articles first. Always contact your target publications before hand to "sell the article" in as they want a completely different style or angle. And you don't get discouraged because you've spent two weeks writing this thing no one wants. You approach publications with a synopsis of your idea, plus give them an example of your writing style, as well as any relevant qulaifications which means that you're the best person to write the article.

2. Despite the kudos of writing for traditional printed publications it may be easier and more effective marketing wise to focus your attention on online destinations for your work. Many websites have a problem getting hold of good content which makes your job easier from the start, plus people can easily click through to your own site, instead of having to remember your name and web address.

3. Having good photos to go with an article can mean that it gets more space....great for you. it aslo adds that slightly more professional look too.

4. Don't, whatever you do, write about more than one thing under one name. You may have more than one business but setting yourself up as an expert on too many things just makes you look like a dilettante (hope I've spelt that right!). Just use a different name!

5. Recycle. Tweak articles to make press releases and then use them in your newsletter, break them down to go out as tips to the press and use them on your own website too. Why do all that work and not eek every last crumb you can out of it!!!?

For practical help and advice on using promoting your business by writing articles check out our ecourse at:


Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Spent a lovely morning at a business balance workshop run by www.everywoman.co.uk. usually it's me giving the workshops so it was a great chance to sit and participate. Even better I touched base with the ladies from sister snog which I have been intrigued about (but never actually managed to make it along to) for ages. Now, I have no excuse not to go along to one of their events whatsoever!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Last week I met with Graeme Marsh of www.aegistraining.co.uk - one of the fastest growing personal training companies in the city. Graeme has been providing me with technical info for some articles and is already making major inroads into PR with a regular fitness column in The Daily Express as well as a number of other regular writing spots. I asked him how he'd managed to start writing for such a big publication and, not surprsingly, it was through someone he'd met just at the right time- so, you know what you have to do...go on and get out and meet people..you never know what will come of it!

Very Best Wishes,
Paula Gardner
Paula Gardner is a PR and media coach and the author of Get Noticed: How to Boost Your Small Business Profile in 30 days.For a free weekly newsletter on how to attract new customers and clients and raise your professional credibility and visibility visit:


Monday, June 12, 2006

I had coffee today with the lovely Linda Zack of http://www.sleepcare.co.uk/.

It's a fascintaing business that Linda's has just launched but, coming from a health care background, Linda is finding PR and marketing a novel experience. We talked about Linda's newsletter - which she's in the process of getting going - and I suggested checking out www.constantcontact.com - as a way of adminitstrating the newsletter simply and easily. Many of my clients use it and sing its praises.

Very Best Wishes,Paula Gardner
Paula Gardner is a PR and media coach and the author of Get Noticed: How to Boost Your Small Business Profile in 30 days.For a free weekly newsletter on how to attract new customers and clients and raise your professional credibility and visibility visit: http://www.doyourownpr.com/subscribe.asp

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Your PR Campaign Made Simple - Subsidised PR Workshop Docklands, Wednesday 21st June 2pm-4.30pm

Do Your Own PR has teamed up with Business Advisors Cute Dog Consulting to offer this Masterclass to businesses and organisations looking to gain an overview of their PR strategy from 2pm - 4.30pm on 21st June at the Reebok Centre, Canada Place, in Canary Wharf, Docklands.

The Masterclass is available at the heavily discounted price of £35.

Perfect for businesses that really need to raise their profile in the media to attract new clients, this workshop will show you to how build a realistic PR machine that will get you coverage on a budget. At the end of this two and a half hour workshop you will:

* Know where to focus your efforts and what form of media and publications will give you maximum impact.
* Learn the techniques that build credibility as well as visibility.
* Learn how to build relationships with the press and attract the press to you.
* Learn cost effective ways to build a media list and communicate with them.
* Put what you've learned into a realistic and achievable framework.
Places are £35 per person and to book your place via credit card please call 0208 504 4557, or

This workshop is presented by Do Your Own PR, recently featured in The Times Online, which has been offering PR Training for over four years.

Enquiries: Paula Gardner on 0208 504 4557