Tuesday, January 17, 2006


A growing percentage of my clients are businesses that have already been using a PR agency, and either finding them ineffectual, or just unsure as to whether there's any real connection between the coverage they are getting and the sales they are making. While the first problem is something that has to dealt with on a case to basis, the second is something that actually needs addressing before you take on a PR agency, or even embark on your own PR campaign. It's about putting in systems to measure PR from the very beginning - or as soon as you possibly can.

How to Evaluate The Amount of PR Coverage You're Getting

1. Get access to your web stats. It's amazing how many small businesses don't know how many people are clicking through to their site and from where. This is such a vital step when it comes to planning and growing an online PR campaign. If you don't know how, ask your web designers or hosts to sort it out for you. Look at where people are clicking through from. Have you particularly targeted these websites and, are they bringing you new customers?

2. Asking where people heard about you. This can be in the form of a question on your contact form, or just something you naturally ask new customers. 3. Running specific offers with specific publications will help you gauge whether it really is your target market. If someone is writing about you, see if you can also add on a reader offer (most publications are usually delighted if they are already doing something on you anyway) to actually see if the people who read your PR are also taking the vital step to buying from you.

How to Evaluate Whether that Coverage Is Working

Now, as a PR person I probably shouldn’t be saying this, but sometimes PR isn’t the Now, As a PR person I probably shouldn’t be saying this, but sometimes PR isn’t the answer. answer. Sometimes, the results you get out from it really aren’t worth the effort you put into it, or the money you spend on it.

Don’t get me wrong. I do believe that it’s important, and I would never advise anyone to give up on it, but sometimes you just have to take a step back and consider how much time you should be spending on it

Whether you are a one man band doing everything from making to delivering goods and planning and carrying out your own PR and marketing, or a large organisation employing specific PR people or an agency, re-evaluating your PR is something you should do on at least a quarterly basis.

Very Best Wishes,
Paula Gardner

Paula Gardner is a PR and media coach and the author of Get Noticed: How to Boost Your Small Business Profile in 30 days. For a free weekly newsletter on how to attract new customers and clients and raise your professional credibility and visibility visit: