Do Your Own PR by Paula Gardner
New DIY Public Relations Book “Could Be Doing The PR Industry Out of a Job” - But Author Unrepentant
PR professional, Paula Gardner, is sharing her insider secrets on what it takes to get cost-effective media coverage in her new book, “Do Your Own PR”.
Jamie Oliver, business writer for The Telegraph and Financial Times has praised the book saying, “Paula Gardner is doing herself and the rest of the PR industry out of a job!” However, his words have caused concern for some PR professionals worried about the damage a book like this could do to their lucrative business.
Paula, who cut her teeth in the glamorous world of showbiz PR, working with the likes of George Michael and Bananarama and restaurants like Bill Wyman’s Sticky Fingers, says, “I’m sure some PR professionals would rather I hadn’t published this book, but during these tough times businesses need all the help they can get to promote themselves as effectively as possible.”
She continues, “The issue isn’t so much about putting PR professionals out of a job but providing those without the budget to hire us to do whatever they can to grow and promote their business as cost-effectively as possible during a tough financial climate.”
“Do Your Own PR” provides readers with a complete A to Z of time-tested and cutting-edge publicity techniques to promote businesses, events, books, music, causes or anything else.
To those thinking such a book is entrepreneurial suicide, Paula asks them to take a long-term view saying, “Once prospective clients see the impressive benefits of effective PR they’ll often seek out to improve their results by bringing in expert help anyway. In essence we’ll all be working with better educated, wealthier clients who value the service we provide.”
So, is her book a boon to businesses faced with dwindling or non-existent marketing budgets or a threat to the PR business? You’ll have to read it and make up your own mind!
“Do Your Own PR: The A-Z of Growing Your Business Through The Press, Networking & Social Media” ISBN: 1-905430-60-4 is available at Amazon and all good bookshops from May 2009
Paula Gardner is the founder of media coaching firm, www.DoYourOwnPR.com and author of two books including: “Get Noticed” (2004) and her latest title, “Do Your Own PR”
Before starting her own business she led a glamorous showbiz life working for a number of PR agencies that handled musicians and groups like George Michael and Bananarama, restaurants like Bill Wyman’s Sticky Fingers, along with video and film companies.
Paula says: “It was in that glam world that I cut my teeth in PR.”
She later decided to go it alone and start Paula Gardner Public Relations (later changing its name to Divine Publicity), working with everyone from top West End restaurants to local family businesses.
Funnily enough, the glamorous side decreased rapidly and she learnt, over the years, what it means to work hard to build up a company by working on long term press and publicity goals.
She also learnt how important it is to keep your own passion for your business alive, and how you can use that enthusiasm and spark to fire up the press, and communicate your story to the world.
Paula uses a combination of her PR skills and knowledge of running her own businesses to help start-ups, small businesses, authors and individuals to take control of their own publicity.