Monday, April 16, 2007

Today i'm going to post a PR Success story.

Sue Donnelly of initially came on a workshop that I did with media coach Joanne Mallon in 2004. She then went on to complete a Do Your Own PR 30 day ecourse and has regularly been in touch with updates on her PR successes which include:
Style writer for Health Plus with regular paid features and a monthly Gorgeous Clinic column (alongside Bharti Vyas, Jo Fairley and Daniel Galvin); regular contributor for Peterborough Evening Telegraph, Stamford Mercury, Norwich Evening News, ESP and Embrace magazines and articles in Psychologies, Essentials, My Weekly and Prima. I also was invited onto the Trisha show and have been quoted on BBC Radio Leeds and the Daily Mail.

Sue, how much time do you spend on PR?
I'd like to say that I have a regular weekly slot to do PR but, in reality, I tend to have splurges when something captures my imagination or if I feel I have to something to contribute. This usually tends to occur every quarter rather than every week. I have 3 books published and they have provided me with great article ideas relevant to their subject matter and whatever might be happening in the media at the time. I am aware that I need to work in advance so I will plan Christmas and summer holiday articles at least 2 months before they actually occur.

What PR activities have you found that work for you?
My first PR successes did not centre about what I do - Image Coaching - but what drove my decision to become one. I wrote articles about my change of career in my mid - 40's and the why, what and how this had come about. Magazines at the time were interested as '40 is the new 20' was in vogue and I was featured in 2 or 3 national women's magazines.
As a result, I was offered the column with Health Plus. I've kept this in mind when contacting the media. It's not what you do but how you can inspire their readers that counts. You need to think outside the box. I always look at different magazines and try to gauge their typical reader and the type of articles they would like to read. I also keep my eye on the news and make sure my article is relevant and topical. My knowledge as an image expert gives me credibility but it's not always the main focus of the story.

My exposure in the press gave me recognition within my own industry and I was invited to become an Executive Director for The Federation of Image Consultants. In turn, this has also lead to further PR opportunities as one of their spokespeople.

Where are you now with your relationships with the press?
I have really good relationships with the local press and they often come to my home to interview me and take photographs. I'm also used for quotes on a frequent basis. Embrace magazine used my face as their cover (a nice surprise!) and as a result, I was recognised in the street on more than one occasion. It's strange when you're having a coffee in a local cafe or at your local gym and your face is staring back at you from the magazine rack!

What do you enjoy least?
Making that initial call. I've always had a real dislike of any kind of cold calling and believe the recipient will think I'm a nuisance or unnecessary distraction. I've got over this a little but I still chicken out on occasion and send a letter or an email instead.
You can check out Sue's company at

Cold Calling Crash Course
If like Sue you tend to put off cold calling journalists then this week's featured ecourse will help you get over this and build strong relationships with members of the press. The cold calling ecourse features 5 days of course work followed by a telephone one to one session with me where we work on your pitch so that you feel calm and comfortable when talking to the press. For more details see here:


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