Sunday, February 27, 2005

Yesterday I held a consultation for Savarona restaurant in Great Eastern Street, London. Now the consultatation is an intensive two to three hours of PR planning, questions and strategy and it usually culminates in me heading off to the nearest coffee house to mull over what I can do for my client over a frothy cappuccino and some tme alone. Yesterday however, my new client insisted that I sit sit tight for an hour and taste the menu - or at least a lrage chunk of it. So, starter after starter was brought out to me - delicious olive oil laden Turkish dishes that tasted both healthy and delightful. This was followed by a sample of the best of the main courses, such a tender lamb in a smoked aubergine sauce, plus a selection of desserts - and when it became obvious that I had fixed on my favourite, they even ordered up an extra portion for me to enjoy.

I came out thoroughly satisfied but also eager and excited to promote the restuarant - they have a passion and an aptitude for good food which needs to be shouted about, and shout about them I will. When they get press visiting - and only show them half of the variety that they showed me - then I know that the press are going to go away just as enthused as I did - as will any customer that crosses their path. So, what can you do for your customers and the media that will have the same results?

Paula Gardner is the author of Get Noticed: Boost your small business profile in 30 days or less.


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